Invited Talks

Aydarova, E. (2020). Disrupting the disruptors: Reimagining policy advocacy in a post-truth era. Pennsylvania Association of Teacher Educators Keynote Address, virtual event, October 28-30, 2020.

Aydarova, E. (2020). Multiple faces of policy advocacy: Reclaiming teacher educators’ voice, knowledge, and authority in the struggle for equity and social justice. Association of Teacher Educators Keynote Address for the General Research Session, Atlantic City, New Jersey, February 15-19, 2020.

Aydarova, E. (2020). Teacher education reform as political theater. Women’s Studies Program, Auburn University. 

Aydarova, E. (2019). Teacher education reform as political theater. CITED/Teachers College, Columbia University.

Aydarova, E. (2019). Building a one-dimensional teacher: The rise of technocratic regimes in teacher education. College of Education, University of Florida.

Aydarova, E. (2019). Peeking behind the curtain: Political Theater of Russian education reforms. Book talk sponsored by the College of Education, the Center for European Studies, the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere at the University of Florida.

Aydarova, O. (2015). Russian teacher education reforms in the context of global educational transformations. Invited foreign expert address at the All-Russian Conference on Teacher Education Modernization, Moscow.

Aydarova, O. (2014). Professional teacher preparation in the United States and liberal arts education. Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia.

Aydarova, O. (2014). What you see from the margins: Observations on cultural differences. Novosibirsk Military Institute, Novosibirsk, Russia.

Aydarova, O. (2014). US teacher education: Tensions, contradictions, and current dilemmas. American Center, Moscow, Russia.

Aydarova, O. (2013). Second language teacher education in the United States. Herzen State Pedagogical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia.


Stage of the Mariyinsky Theater, Saint Petersburg, Russia